Tropico 5 DLC “Surfs Up!” Out Now
Kalypso Media have released the new “Surfs Up!” DLC for Tropico 5. This content, out today, adds an original scenario; plus new building, avatar accessory, sandbox map and music track. “Surfs Up!” sees El Presidente face up to the knowledge that planet earth is under threat from alien incursion –…
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Hysteria
Opinion has shifted among Zelda fans lately, with many people renouncing the once lauded Ocarina of Time and claiming it as overrated, dull and most importantly, not as good as A Link To the Past. A growing split has emerged between Zelda fans over the past few years, erupting over…
PlanetSide 2 PS4 Closed Beta Hits on 20th January
In news that many PlanetSide fans have been waiting for, the long-awaited beta of PlanetSide 2 is going live on PS4 on the 20th of January. Importantly, this will be a closed beta to mainly test servers, performances, how the UI works with a DualShock 4, control settings and so…
Mad Catz LYNX 9 Price Announced
In news from Mad Catz today, the LYNX 9 controller, which resembles the offspring of an Xbox One pad and Megatron, will retail for £249.99 and can be pre-ordered prior to its March release. This foldable device acts as a PC controller, a stand and controller for Android phones as…
New 3DS Pre Purchase Offered To Select Club Nintendo Members
Club Nintendo is a mixed bag for Europe. Sometimes they receive amazing offers, and other times they get the short end of the stick. It is fair to say that this time they have truly hit the jackpot. Random users of Nintendo's reward scheme in Europe are being sent an…
Sonic 4 Episode 3 Will Not Be Developed
Sonic 4 Episode 1 and Episode 2 were met with mixed reception when they were released back in the early years of the current decade. Some fans wished that it would be forever forgotten, while others hoped that the previously confirmed trilogy would be completed. However, new evidence from the…
Why TV Shows Should Adapt into Video Games
I’ve often wondered why more TV shows don’t adapt or spin off in video game format, and it’s a mystery that I’ve yet to solve. I’d go as far as saying many TV production companies are missing fantastic opportunities, so I’ve compiled a list of reasons to adapt more shows…
Far Cry 4 Unplayable as Title Vanishes from Xbox Store
Xbox One owners have been reporting today that their digital copies of Far Cry 4 are no longer playable, as the title has seemingly disappeared from the Xbox Live store. Interestingly, the game still remains visible through a search, though trying to access the game page leads to a dead…
AGDQ 2015 Is Live Right Now!
As is tradition this time of year, speedrunners from all round the world gather together to break records and raise a lot of money for charity. This year, AGDQ 2015 is raising money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation and at time of writing, has raised $135,000 after one day's streaming.…
Kung Lao Returns for Mortal Kombat X
In scans from the Finnish magazine Pelaaja, the man with the bladed hat, Kung Lao is set to return in Mortal Kombat X. This version of Kung Lao will be much older, sporting some fancy facial hair but still being a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. According…
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy Review
If the video game calendar was given its own Zodiac, then 2014 would definitely be listed as the year of the re-master for Sony and Microsoft. Although it is less common, the trend has continued into the Nintendo world, with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy being the latest release to…
How Indie Games Reflect on the Industry
It's no secret that the indie genre has become a very large part of the gaming industry that we know today. Programs like Steam Greenlight, Xbox Indie Games, and Sony's newfound appreciation for indie games, have helped make indie games more accessible. Love it, or hate it, crowd-funding like "Kickstarter"…
5 Reasons Why You Should be Playing a Wii U
The Wii U is the console that some forget about. With the release of both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, most gamers would think the obvious choice would be one of the two "next gen" consoles. When the Wii U first released it was seen as a console…
Why P.T Could Be The Best Horror Game of 2014
P.T is probably one of the most original things to come out of the gaming industry this decade. Announced at Gamescom 2014 with a trailer, everyone thought that P.T was a new IP coming for the PS4, and not only did we get a trailer, but we also got a…
Best In-Game Xmas Events for 2014
As that Yuletide time of year comes creping back from the depths of Winter, we the gamers, often find ourselves adorned with digital gifts to get us in the festive spirit. Whether it is a special Xmas weapon, or a full game mode, we will often find developers making an…
Games with Gold Versus PlayStation Plus 2014
Although they were introduced many years apart, Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus have become two of the most popular premium subscription services available. Aside from the fact you need to be a subscriber to take part in online multiplayer on PS4 and Xbox, the free games that become available…
Top 5 Local Co-op Games for the Holidays
In the times before online gaming and the madness that follows it, you used to have to split your screen and you sofa in order to play with friends or family. Thinking back on my previous Christmas's and New Year I remember all kinds of local multiplayer fun that I…
Top 10 Sonic Games of all Time
The Sonic the Hedgehog series launched in 1991 and delivered a platformer that featured a then-revolutionary usage of momentum and physics to create dazzling speedy gameplay. With Sonic Boom causing chaos among critics, it’s time to remind ourselves why the series has endured for over twenty years, and what made…
Far Cry 4 Review
If it wasn’t for Child of Light, I’d be utterly convinced that Ubisoft can no longer make a good game after this past year. Watch_Dogs was disappointing, Assassin’s Creed Unity clearly wasn’t ready for launch and The Crew looks about as interesting as porridge. But Far Cry 3 and it’s…
Top 10 Predictions for 2015
We’ve done our look back, now it’s time for a look forward. As tradition dictates for this time of year, let’s make some predictions for the next year in the gaming world. The list will be broken down into 5 industry-specific and 5 game-specific predictions in no particular order, so…
The Winners and Losers of 2014
2014 is nearly over which means it is time for the mandatory ‘end of year’ list, where we sum up everything that’s gone on this year. 2014 has been a pretty lacklustre year if I am honest, being that awkward transitional year between last gen and current gen when everything…