Search Results for "prey"
FromSoftware today releases the Crown of the Old Iron King DLC which is the second chapter in The Lost Crown DLC trilogy. Each of the different chapters are designed to be a challenge in the old fashion Dark Souls way. Dark Souls II fans can get the new DLC from…
Some games look cute and cuddly on the outside. They masquerade their true identities with bright colours, cartoony characters and a 3+ PEGI rating. In actual fact, these games are incredibly dark, containing themes of that would be more suited to an 18 rated game. Let me reveal to you,…
BioWare has today released a new trailer for its first Xbox One and PlayStation 4 game, Dragon Age Inquisition. The short trailer shows what the company has done in the Frostbite 3 engine as it highlights locations, predators, prey and factions players will encounter. “Dragon Age: Inquisition is BioWare's first…
While the rest of London was busy panicking over the lack of underground service, I had the pleasure of playing the opening hours of Dark Souls II at Namco Bandai UK headquarters. With a set amount of time to explore the first three areas, I sat down to expeience the…
Instead of leaping forwards in time, Assassin's Creed IV :Black Flag takes a step back by focusing on the well received ship captaining segments of last year's Assassin's Creed III and expanding on them. Black Flag deviates from series' norms and does so well. So well in fact that it…
In a tweet by Zenimax HR Manager Ashley Pierce, both Arkane and Battlecry Studios are allegedly using the CryEngine on their current projects. BattleCry & Arkane are developing on @cryengine & hiring! Gameplay, Graphics, Platform, Server, Web Engineers: — Ashley Pierce (@couchtocrossfit) October 24, 2013 Arkane Studios are the…
The Predator is a new medium sized mech, joining the ever expanding repertoire of death dealing machines at the Hawken pilots disposal in the upcoming update, known as Invasion. The Predator, much like it's namesake, is an ambush hunter. It can use it's Stalker ability to cloak itself from prying…
Microsoft have revealed their upcoming Xbox Live release schedule. With 3 Xbox Live Arcade titles releasing this week alone, the schedule is quite extensive and can be checked out below. Xbox Live Arcade How to Survive, 23-Oct, $14.99 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, 25-Oct, $14.99 Magrunner: Dark…
Shooting beavers seems like a nice start... Genprey and Gendrome are back and they are as annoying as ever! The return of the Yian Kut-Ku! Words cannot describe how good this looks and how well it seems play. Monster Hunter Online is looking be an extremely impressive MMO…
According to Major Nelson, we've got a boat load of savings come our way next week in the form of the Xbox Live Ultimate Game Sale. Here is the full list of games which will be on sale during next week's sale: Assassin’s Creed 3 Bioshock Infinite Borderlands 2 Brothers…