Search Results for "e3 2017"

Fallout 4 is free to try out for Xbox Live Gold members and Steam users this weekend, Bethesda has revealed today. The free trial which starts tomorrow on May 25th and runs until Sunday, May 28th will allow players try out the game minus mod support and the premium downloadable content.…
Happy Switch Day! So much has been happening in the world of Switch, with the Nintendo Switch Nindie showcase being revealed and Nintendo Switch OS getting leaked a fews weeks before launch. If you did not manage to find yours, we have compiled a list of places which are still in Stock or…
The English release date of Persona 5 is just over three months away, and to get us ready for the all new journey, Atlus have released three new trailers which reveal some new downloadable content, as well as detailing one of the new game mechanics that you will encounter as a Phantom…
The first three members of the Phantom Thieves, namely the Protagonist, Ryuji and Ann have now received trailers which show their English dubbed voice in action. Earlier today, Atlus have unveiled the fourth English character trailer for Persona 5 which focuses on the feline shape shifter known as Morgana. Working…
As well as dropping the bombshell of the announcement of the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo have also released new footage for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The footage was released a few hours before the Switch announcement and was uploaded to the Nintendo of Japan YouTube Channel. The new…
The announcement of a remaster to Final Fantasy XII was one of the best pieces of news a fan of Final Fantasy could receive, especially with the content that was never brought over to North America and Europe when the International version was released some time after it's initial Japanese…
Quake Champions, the upcoming Quake reboot announced during Bethesda's E3 2016 conference, has it's first gameplay trailer. And damn does it look fun. Quake is the successor to the DOOM series and is the granddad of arena shooters. Nearly all multiplayer first person shooters today are heavily influenced by the mechanics introduced in Quake and just like…
Devolver Digital, known for publishing popular indie titles such as Enter the Gungeon and Hotline Miami have announced their latest title. In a world where firearms are non-existant, Absolver focuses on hand to hand combat and swordplay in an online environment. Both PvP and PvE elements will feature, and you'll need to assemble a…