Star Wars: Battlefront Announced At EA E3 Conference
The impossible has happened. At EA's E3 press conference Star Wars: Battlefront has been announced. While the trailer was short, the unmistakable sights of Hoth and an AT-AT Walker gave enough for the hearts of many fans of the original series to soar. This is the first EA game to…
Titan Fall Announced For Xbox One.
 Titan Fall Announced For Xbox One. Titan Fall looks simply epic, bringing us a sci-fi universe with giant mech's battling each other and battalions of soldiers. In addition to the trailer, which showed gameplay, live in-game footage was also shown in the trailer. The gameplay shows us that Titan Fall…
Xbox One Date And Price Set
Signing off the Microsoft press conference at E3, the official release window and price for the Xbox One has been revealed. While previously released by a member of Rare just before the conference, the Xbox One will come out this November world wide. The price point will be $499/€499/£429 for…
Halo 5 Announced By Microsoft & 343 Industries. Trailer Here.
Microsoft & 343 Industries Announce Halo 5 for the Xbox One. It will run on a new engine at 60fps. We all knew this was coming, it's Microsofts key piece, their secret weapon and there was no chance it wouldn't turn up at E3, but that doesn't mean it doesn't…
Dice Reveal Battlefield 4 On Xbox One
After a few iffy moments where the game wasn'tworking, Battlefield 4 gameplay was shown at the Microsoft E3 press conference. Called the "Angry Sea", the segment shows a colourful segment within ship. With hallways tossing and turning and the ship ripping in half, Dice have outdone themselves this time. With…
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt Announced
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt has been announced for Xbox One. The Witcher 3 will be a free roaming open world which uses Smart Glass and kinect to expand the gameplay experience. This game looks simply stunning, we really can't wait to play this epic fantasy advernture. XXX version…
Dead Rising 3 An Xbox One Exclusive
Josh Bridge and  Mike Jones reveal Dead Rising 3. New protagonist Nick Ramos tries to survive in a zombie filled suburban area. It will also be an Xbox One Exclusive. Including new features such as on the fly item combination and deeper enviroment interaction, Dead Rising 3 seems a good…
Crimson Dragon Announced For Xbox One.
Crimson Dragon has been announced for Xbox One. Kind of... the sound wasn't working so we saw a load of cool stuff but didn't hear anything. From the developers of Panzer Dragoon comes this rail shooter where you fly on a big dragon...what more could you want? Well apart from…
Project Spark Bringing Create-able Worlds To Xbox One And Smart Glass
Project Spark is an interesting new project wheeled out during Microsoft's E3 press conference. Players are able to create their own worlds using Kinect, Smart Glass and a controllers. Making your own biospheres and worlds, players can effect the world around them and then go to war. In co-op players…
D4 New Xbox One IP
 Xbox One will have a new IP which is being called D4. Being developed by Team Swery65 and exclusively for the Xbox One. They showed a short teaser trailer which is cell shaded.  Let us know what you think in the comments. Update: Here is the trailer from E3 (Thanks…
Minecraft coming to Xbox One.
 Minecraft will be coming to Xbox One, featuring bigger worlds. Microsoft have stated that they will continue their commitment to Indie developers.
Quantum Break Details Arise For Xbox One Exclusive
Sam Lake, creator of Alan Wake and Max Payne, has called Quantum Break "The ultimate Remedy Experience". Revealing it as an Xbox One exclusive, Quantum break is part TV series and part game. At the E3 Microsoft Conference Sam revealed that time is freezing, with only special individuals able to…
Sunset Overdrive An Insomniac Xbox One Exclusive
Xbox are intent on breaking apart Sony's exclusive base. First taking away Metal Gear Solid 5 and now Insomniac, with their newest game. Looking part Borderlands 2 and part zombie killing fun-fest, the CGI trailer makes sure to put the attitude up-front and obvious. It is very similar to their…
Killer Instinct Announced For Xbox One.
  Killer Instinct has been announced for Xbox One. The short but sweet introduction from Microsoft showed off some gameplay, some fan favourite characters and some faces getting smashed in. What's not to love? We all saw it coming but it's good to hear anyway.  
Ryse: Son of Rome Coming At Xbox One Launch
Ryse, a new game for Xbox One, shows of the power of the Roman Legion going to war with a rousing speech about comradery in amazing next-gen graphics. Showing actual gameplay, the legion storms a beach as flaming arrows and rocks rain from the sky. With formation warfare and hack and…
Dark Souls 2 Announced For Xbox 360.
Microsoft have announced Dark Souls 2 for the Xbox 360. The stunning trailer was shown at E3 in Microsoft's Confernce. The game is touted for release on March 2014.
World of Tanks Confirmed For Xbox 360
During the opening minutes of the Microsoft E3 Conference, Wargaming CEO Victor Kisyli announced that their PC hit World of Tanks will be coming to the Xbox free of charge. Coming out this summer, World of Tanks will be an Xbox and PC exclusive, making it so a new bunch…
Microsoft Have Revealed A Brand New Version Of The Xbox 360, Available Today.
 Microsoft have revealed a new version of the Xbox 360, available today. This new model has been redesgined to better fit within the Xbox family, according to Microsoft's E3 Conference. Stay tuned for details on the specs. In addition to this, Microsoft have also added a new feature to Xbox Live…
Metal Gear Solid 5 Revealed On Xbox One At Microsoft E3 Press Conference
After a sandy opening to the Microsoft press conference today at E3, it is revealed that Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is no longer a Playstation exclusive. Featuring real-time weather and "unparallelled strategic freedom", Microsoft has upset the balance of exclusives, taking away one of Sony's longest standing…
Kinect Sports Rivals Announced
Rare have announced the upcoming title, Kinect Sports Rivals for the Xbox One in Novemeber. The E3 pre-show. Kinect Sports Rivals will allow users to upload themselves into the game, using the Kinect, allowing players to immerse themselves into the game. More details will be coming during the E3 show.…
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Announces Man of Steel Game for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Tablets
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announces the Man of Steel game for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, as well as tablets, will be available beginning 14thJune, 2013 on the App Store. Inspired by the Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures feature film “Man of Steel” and developed by Phosphor Games Studio,Man…