Video Games Are Good For Young People
Science Alert, from Australia & New Zealand, have had a research group look into a link between young people and video games. The research was begun after the media attention circling around an apparent connection between violence and video games. After reviewing over two hundred papers and looking over mapped…
Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS) – Gamescom Preview
The blue blur has had a rocky ride over the years. However, his more recent titles have steadily improved cumulating in Sonic Generations in 2012, a game which had an emphasis on speed and nostalgia. So you can imagine the fan’s thoughts when they saw the more platform based gameplay…
GAME Stores Hosting FIFA 14 Lock-In Events
Following last weeks Diablo III lock-in events, UK retailers GAME are to host a series of Lock-In events where gamers will get a chance to play FIFA 14 ahead of its launch date of September 27th. Participants will not also get the chance to play FIFA 14 early, but will…
Xbox One Forza Motorsport 5 Bundle Sold Out
 Both GAME, Amazon and have now sold all of their Forza Motorsport 5 bundles, with no clear sign of more editions of this deal being made. The bundle itself was made in order to replace the Day One SKU, FIFA 14 deal, which has also sold out. Such sudden…
Namco Bandai Open Registrations for Dark Souls II Closed Beta
 Sometimes, being murdered by hideous monsters over and over again needs to be checked for consistency, patching and playability, who knew? For Dark Souls II fans this moment has come.  Registrations for Namco Bandai's latest project has been announced by their facebook page today.  The first test is due to…
HAWKEN Ascension Update Goes Live Today
Adhesive games' free-to-play shooter HAWKEN sees you fighting against opponents inside of mechs. Today marks the debut of the next big update to the game which has been christened the Ascension Update. Ascension sees a massive overhaul to many systems within the game all aimed to improve the gameplay for…
DC Universe Online Releases Sons of Trigon
ProSiebenSat.1 Games and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) today announced that Sons of Trigon, the eighth DLC pack for DC Universe Online (DCUO), is now available for download on the PC. With this next chapter, players must battle alongside Wonder Woman or her adversary, Circe, through a hellish Gotham City landscape…
Battle Princess of Arcadias Reveals Latest Gameplay
 Nippon Ichi Software, the company who brought us the Disgaea series have, following screenshots and information about their latest game, Battle Princess of Arcadias reveal to us in time battle footage from the game.   The video provides us with an insight into some of combos possible, and whilst being confirmed…
Farming Simulator Console Edition : Launch Trailer Is Here
 Farming Simulator, a game with mass growing popularity is set for release today in both Europe and Japan, with an American release  to follow shortly after. The console edition of Farming Simulator adds a large sway of new features with many of them being revealed in their launch trailer, which…
Saints Row IV Review
Is constantly spouting pop-culture references and obscenity laced threats insanity? If so Saints Row IV is beyond the pale and should be thrown into a cell not too dissimilar to Hannibal Lecter's. Snapped up by Deep Silver after the crash of THQ, does this fourth, and possibly final, entry into…
Outlast Is Finally Live On Steam
 Red Barrels, a studio made up of a rag tag group of many individuals over several franchises have announced that their survival horror game, Outlast is now available on Steam. The game has been built up on serious hype over the year, with previewers at PAX East running out of their…
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Muliplayer – Gamescom Preview
Oh Assassin’s Creed, you have always been a fun, stabby set of games, even more so when your series got a multiplayer. The mode was very fun when it was introduced; it was tense hiding from people trying to kill you while you scouted for your target and actually required…
Ubisoft Release 14 Minute Freeroam Gameplay Trailer for Watch_Dogs
  The new trailer from Ubisoft shows various gameplay options available within Watch_Dogs. Starting with gaining access to devices within Chicago and ending with hacking your friends singleplayer experience, there are a lot of possibilities during the freeroaming segments of Watch_Dogs. With everything being hackable and multiple things to do…
Rome 2 Total War Experiences Significant Technical Issues at Launch
 At 8am 3rd September The Creative Assembly's latest title, Rome 2: Total War was released to a crowd, who were expecting this in many ways to be the real time strategy game of year.  So far it's run into a fair few hiccups.  Various Steam pages and threads on the…
New Pokémon Spotted In Nintendo Direct Today
If you looked closely at today's Pokémon Nintendo Direct, among all the other things revealed, you may have seen this never before seen Pokémon! It kind of looks like a Llama. Maybe it will be called Llaman? Which then evolves into Llamageddon and then Alpacalypse!  But seriously, what do you think…
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Stan Lee Trailer
In true Marvel franchise fashion a special guest will be making an appearance in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. This special guest being the famous Stan Lee co-creator of Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man and many more of Marvel's super heroes. It is fitting then to see him appear in a game…
Release Date for Xbox One Announced
Microsoft have announced that November 22nd shall be the date set aside for the Xbox One's release. This place's Microsoft's console to be released a week before PlayStation 4 in Europe (29th November) but a week after in the US (15th November). November 22nd will see the Xbox One release…
Monster Hunter Smart Announcement Trailer
  This game is looking smart!... I am so sorry. Coming soon to iOS, Monster Hunter Smart! Looking pretty amazing for an iPhone game this trailer does a great job of showing this new handheld title. There is little information at this time about the game but it is set…
Pokémon X and Y Themed 3DS’s are Coming to the West
During today's Nintendo Pokémon Direct, Iwata revealed that the awesome looking Pokémon X and Y themed 3DS consoles, that originally were only being released in Japan, are in fact being released in the West as well on the 27th of September. Its a shame that Pokémon X and Y are not be pre-installed…
The Five Franchises That Help With Learning Games Design
Games are very hard to create in the current age of design. This is especially the case when it comes to new and original ideas as it is tough to get them out into the world of AAA standards. Since a lot more people nowadays are thinking of going into…