The Banner Saga 2 News and Features

Banner Saga 2 Development Going Ahead Despite King Copyright Issue
Three man indie developers Stoic are going ahead with the development of The Banner Saga 2. This is despite ongoing issues with King, after they...
Banner Saga 3 Gets Successfully Funded On Kickstarter.
Banner Saga 3 has been successfully funded through Kickstarter in less than seven days from the campaign was first activated.The team Stoic reached their initial...
VGU Podcast Episode 2 – Betas, Streamers & PlayStation Neo
Welcome to episode two of the VGU Podcast where we take a moment out of writing the news to talk about it as well...
EGX Rezzed 2016: Snakes, Samurai and Soup
EGX Rezzed has come and gone, with indies from all four corners of the gaming world coming to show off their games to an eager...
Why We Need XCOM 2 on Consoles
On February 5th, XCOM 2 landed and once again we could become the commander and wipe out the alien scourge that threatened humanity. Well, not all of...
2014 Christmas Video Game Gifts Buyers Guide
With Christmas only a few weeks away now is the last chance to get your gamer brother, sister, partner, friend pet a great game to...
Is The Banner Saga A Bioware Plot In A Different Skin?
During playing the opening hours of Stoic's The Banner Saga during our preview, I fell in love. The art direction looks almost effortlessly beautiful and...
King Trying to Crush The Banner Saga
Yesterday came the news about King, developers of popular game Candy Crush Saga trademarking the word ‘Candy’ and issuing threats to any...