Block N Load News and Features

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Fan Movie Shows Promise
Most of you reading this who grew up in the 90s will remember a show about 5 teenagers with attitude chosen to protect the...
Bioshock Infinite Midnight Release Event in San Francisco
While at GDC this year, VGU attended the San Francisco Midnight release for Bioshock Infinite. We arrived at the local Gamestop at around 10pm...
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Weekly Roundup 07/04
It's certainly e-Sports season at the moment and it's a great time for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive as the game's popularity in e-Sports steadily grows....
The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 07/04 – Mini Edition
We all know Sundays are boring and we all know they suck because they mean Monday is tomorrow, but hopefully these cheap games on...
ATLUS’s Shin Megami Tensei IV Coming to Nintendo 3DS This Summer
It's been nearly ten years since the last chapter closed in the original Shin Megami Tensei® role playing game...Warframe on Steam now Free to Play
Warframe is now free to play on steam. You can now download the action pack game and it will not cost you...The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 06/04
So the weekend is here already and Steam have yet more cheap games to keep you occupied during the unpredictable weather. Not only...
Things you should know about The Witcher 3
Things have been a little quiet recently regarding CD Projekt RED's latest game, The Witcher 3, until the recent GDC. Thanks go out to...Wii U Miiverse Receives Two Updates
Today, a new update found its way onto Nintendo’s latest home console, the Wii U. This update sees changes coming to thee Miiverse and...