Fellow Tenno, it has come to my attention that many of you do not fully understand what it means to play as or with Limbo. The gentleman frame is not a troll, nor is it a useless tool to use against the Grineer, Corpus, Infested and Sentients. In fact, my friends, Limbo is one of the most interesting frames in game, if you are willing to understand and learn it’s mechanics. In this guide I plan to show you what this gentleman is capable of as well as show you how you can either master the ways of the rift or understand the tool set if you are partnered up with one.
Limbo's Abilities

Ever wanted a pesky enemy like a Grineer Bombard to just go away and no longer deal damage to you and your allies? Then why not Banish him to the rift. Limbo’s first ability allows him to send enemies into the rift, dealing damage as well as placing them within their own little world for a set amount of time. Whilst in the rift, the enemy will not be able to deal damage to those outside of it but as a price you won’t be able to harm him either. This is unless you or any of your allies are in the rift yourselves. If this ability is cast onto an ally, they become invulnerable to any incoming damage but cannot harm anyone outside of the rift. As an added bonus however, allies will receive a regeneration effect on their energy so they can cast more abilities.
Now at first glance this can seem like a very annoying ability to use in a team environment. No one apart from Limbo may be able to get kills, allies may not be able to deal damage and enemies will just waltz around wondering why their precious shots will do nothing. But this is ability separates the boys from the men, the girls from the ladies.
To fully utilise this ability, you must understand which targets to take down in which scenarios. For example, in an exterminate you can use this to banish high damage enemies whilst dealing with the regular fodder. In defence and survival missions, you can single out high priority targets to take them out in the rift whilst your team mates deal with the others. Lastly, you can use Banish in any mission whilst coordinating with allies on your team to put them in the rift in order for them to take advantage of their energy pool and abilities. Nova/Nova Prime can still use Molecular Prime in the rift to affect enemies, Ash/Ash Prime can still perform Blade Storm and Loki/Loki Prime can still use Radiant Disarm as well as other frames using other abilities. However, if you are accidentally put into the rift by a Limbo do not think you are useless and can’t get out. Simply rolling whilst in the rift removes the banish effect on you which stops any accidental targets, or prevents trolls from stopping your damage output.
Rift Walk
Want to enter the rift and receive all the benefits? Rift Walk allows just that. You gain all the pluses allies would get in the rift and that’s about it. As stated when talking about Banish, Rift Walk is used in conjunction with your other powers to help single out or devastate targets in the rift. Also, Rift Walk can be used to make you immune to damage whilst you revive fallen allies. Go into Rift Walk to maintain a high amount of energy and use your other abilities alongside this to deal some truly devastating damage to enemies.
Rift Surge
Although putting enemies into the rift is great, destroying them is better. Rift Surge helps you accomplish this by increasing the amount of damage you deal inside the rift. This includes individual targets and anyone inside Cataclysm. This should be on at all times when dealing with any kinds of threats in the rift as the damage output is nothing short of brilliant. Sadly, this damage increase does not affect allies, but this does leave you more capable with single-handily taking down big threats that are a pain for the entire team.
The big or small bubble that can deal the pain or help defend. Cataclysm causes Limbo to summon a bubble that puts any and all allies and enemies inside the rift for as long as it stands. The size of the bubble decreases as the duration of the ability comes closer to its end. You can also deactivate cataclysm at any time to allow yourself and allies to pick up ammunition and items from the defeated foes.
This is where your Limbo game steps up. Depending on how you have built the gentleman, this can either be a great addition/alternative to Frost/Frost Prime’s Snow Globe or it can be a quick ability that can dish out some immediate damage to enemies in a larger radius. After balance changes and fixes however, the earlier build is definitely the superior as it will also allow you to keep you and your opponents in the rift for longer as well as take full advantage of Rift Surge.
Mod Builds

What you see above is my build for Limbo which gets me through any situation the game has to offer, including effectiveness in the new daily sorties. He currently has two Forma on him but will be in need of bumping up to three once all primed mods are fully ranked up and implemented. Allow me to go over the mods and why they are a part of the build.
Energy Siphon
Trade this out with Corrosive Projection if your team is all set up for armour removal. Combined with going in and out of the rift, this helps with keeping your energy as high as possible.
Power Drift
One of the new mods available from the moon. The power strength addition helps with dealing more damage in the later levels and the knockdown resistance is a nice bonus as Limbo is not that strong.
Continuity/Primed Continuity
You will need this in order to keep your abilities going for as long as possible. Whilst writing this guide and as you can see from the image above, I have not yet maxed out the primed version of this mod. However, I will be doing so when the opportunity rises. Duration affects everything on this Warframe so it is essential to buff it up.
Dealing more damage in Rift Surge and dealing the initial damage to enemies with Banish and Cataclysm. At later levels this won’t instantly kill anyone, but it helps with ammo conservation.
As you are going to use your abilities a lot you need to up your efficiency. Max Streamline will help reduce the mana costs of your powers and help the rift regen your mana back faster.
Rift Torrent
The only augment mod I use with Limbo. Increases the amount of damage you deal to enemies in the rift by 20% for each enemy in the rift. In simpler terms, this + cataclysm = DAMAGE. That is maths I can live with.
Flow/Primed Flow
The standard Flow mod will be replaced with the primed counterpart in time, but this is necessary as you will be casting abilities a lot. A large pool is a happy pool.
Natural Talent
Although most of your abilities don’t have much of a charge time, Cataclysm does. If you are trying to get the bubble out when swarmed by infested, chances are you are going to die before the ability triggers. Put this on to guarantee that you can get out Cataclysm when needed as well as speed up going in and out of the rift along with enemies.
Narrow Minded (Rank 8)
Would not take this mod any higher than rank eight as the efficiency of it starts to affect Limbo. With this however the duration of your warframe will be increased dramatically with a reduction to range which is actually a good thing. Cataclysm is better as a small, controlled, long-lasting bubble which can defend locations and help bring energy to allies. If the bubble is too big it becomes troublesome against ranged targets. As a small bubble, it is handy for those who are running away as well as a good size to blow up anyone that is inside with an area of effect weapon.
Limbo naturally has higher health than shields. You will be staying in the rift a lot with this build, but in case you pop out of it you do have a good health pool to rely on.
Suggested Weapons & Tactics

As a Limbo you are most of the time going to be acting as a support Warframe. Filling the gaps that the team needs as well as helping those that get shot down by jumpingĀ into Rift Walk. With this you are going to need weapons that either benefit your energy usage or are great crowd clearers. I heavily suggest running with the Tonkor, Penta or Quanta for AoE weaponry as these can deal insane damage to enemies and you can create some amazing strategies for yourself and the team. For example, bring up a cataclysm on a group of enemies, put yourself into Rift Walk, Activate Rift Surge and shoot a Tonkor shell into the cataclysm from the outside. You will isolate the enemies, most likely kill all of them and be able to damage them without having to go into the cataclysm. You can also use this when defending an objective to get rid of swarming infested units. Look forward to the numbers you will see pop up with your amount of damage.
As for side arms I would strongly recommend the Synoid Gammacor from following Cephalon Suda’s Syndicate. Great damage, prevision aiming and, upon triggering the syndicate effect, can deal blast damage and give you one hundred energy. So not only will this come in handy when taking out enemies both in and out of the rift, but it can also assist with energy efficiency. All in all, a must have for Limbo’s secondary slot.
Melee however is difficult for Limbo. As he is not the strongest in the game, it is best to keep him at range rather than getting his hands dirty. Best to give him a melee weapon you want ranking up for the most part, but if you are after a good melee option with Limbo I would suggest something with great finisher damage. The reason for this is when you cast Banish on an enemy they are instantly knocked down. In this state they are very easily succumb to finisher attacks which with Rift Surge could instantly kill them. So keep this in mind and take in weapons like the Mios or Dual Ichor for something worth punching with.

You will notice with this build and style of play that Limbo is not the best frame when going into Exterminate, Capture and Sabotage style missions. However, that does not mean he cannot be used in these scenarios. It is as simple as using your tool set to your advantage to take out any enemies that come your way. Also, when in Rescue missions, you can hack into the door terminals whilst in the rift and once you have found the target you can banish them so that they cannot be damaged. When it comes to Spy missions, Limbo is the best when dealing with Corpus runs as he cannot trip the alarm from laser gates. He can only be detected by enemy patrols and cameras, that can be easily be taken out with Banish and a good stab.
With all of this at your disposal you can now go into the solar system and give out a helping hand to your fellow Tenno. Just remember that to be a Gentleman you must be a team player. Do not use these powers to troll your teammates, but instead use them to assist the team in completing missions faster and more efficiently.
Hope you enjoyed the guide and expect more Warframe guides in the future. Got any opinions on Limbo or any suggestions as to what or who we should cover next in Warframe? Let us know in the comments below.