A relatively low key adventure released for exclusively on PC, Kathy Rain is a immersive point and click adventure set in small town America. After the death of her grandfather, young college student Kathy Rain returns to her hometown for the funeral. After learning some shocking information regarding his past, she resolves to find out exactly what happened to her beloved patriarch, regardless of the obstacles that are placed in her way, and the emotional baggage from being abandoned by both of her parents.
The mid 90’s setting forces you to use traditional detective work in lieu of modern methods, and the storyline feels like a mixture of Veronica Mars investigation combined with the borderline supernatural happenings you would expect to see in an episode of Twin Peaks. A triumphant return to the point and click subgenre, with an ending that leaves the potential for a sequel.
That is our top picks for adventure games that have come out in 2016 so. If you are also a horror fan, don’t forget to check out our top picks for horror games that have come out already in 2016. Are there any adventure games that you enjoyed during the first eight months of this year? Let us know what you think in the comments below.