Another problem however that had both us and players debating every single day of the Beta were the operators that carried shields. As seen in the original trailer for the game, you can indeed equip yourself with a shield if you want to play more of the tank role on your team. Although these can only be equipped by attackers, some players suggest that these shields are too over powered. Now how can you make a shield OP I hear you say? Well it is as simple as this. Taking on a shielded enemy head on is basically a lost fight to start with, unless you are insanely skilled to pick off the odd spot on the enemy that is out in the open. This would mean that the best way to tackle these players, at it should be, is to flank them on their sides or behind them to take them down unguarded. This however is easier said than done as most players tend to use the shields as point men. By becoming the head of the team and taking full brunt of the enemies attacks, allies can easily spray down targets that are identified by their shielded allies allowing for very easy attacking strategies.
With all this said however, nothing seems to be too over powered right? I mean all that’s happening is that the players are taking full advantage of a games mechanic to create better techniques for them to win the game. This is true, but the concern comes to the shields themselves. Guns have ammunition, if you run out of ammo your down to your knife. Grenades and other thrown or used weapons also have a limited resource, so why doesn’t the shield? This is the only weapon in the game to not have any draw backs. No durability loss or anything of this sort. This means that you can drill your entire clip of both your main and side arm weapons into a shield and it would keep going. This in turn has led to a debate between players as to whether these should be balanced to have durability, so that if it takes too much damage you throw it away and resort to using just your pistol. But others are defending the shields stating that it is a simple matter of play style and utilising it to the best of both yours and the teams abilities. My opinions are as followed: Although I can see the argument from both sides of the game, I think the shields are fine as they are. It is simple as out playing the team or the opponent in order to win. There are ways to tackle shielded enemies effectively, it just comes with learning the game and adapting to different play styles, which overall makes the game a more fun and engaging experience. This is especially if you really want to kill the guy hiding behind that thing all game long.
Rainbow Six Siege is definitely a game to keep on your radar this coming Christmas season. The Beta, when you were able to get into a match, was very enjoyable and opened what we could expect from the games release. With a few tweaks here and more additions there, this could be a game that not just rivals that of CS:GO but may even be able to beat it. To the extent that I can already see this potentially being played at an E-Sports level, pending on weapon balancing and whether the whole ‘Shields are Overpowered’ debate can be solved once and for all. It is great to see the series return and I for one am definitely looking forward to Rainbow Six Siege this Christmas.
Were you in the beta for Rainbow Six Siege? Did you share our thoughts or have your own likes and dislikes? Let us know what you think about the game and be sure to keep an eye out for it as it releases on the 1st December 2015.