Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is Now Delayed Until February 2014
According to Iwata during today's Nintendo Direct Conference, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has been delayed until February 2014 (instead of being released in December of this year) to ensure the quality of the game was the best it could be. This is a shame as Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was…
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies Demo and Release date
During today's Nintendo Direct Conference, Nintendo revealed that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies will be released on the 24th of October. They also revealed that a playable demo will be hitting the 3DS eShop after the conference is over (which if you haven't noticed is right now!). If you are…
A Brand New Kirby Title is Coming To 3DS In 2014
SO CUTE! Kirby fans rejoice, today's Nintendo Direct Conference has revealed a new Kirby game is coming out in 2014. Not much is know about the game apart from that it is looking to be going back to Kirby's glory days of gameplay which is great! What do you…
Sonic the Hedgehog has Joined the Battle in New Super Smash Bros
Sonic the Hedgehog has been been confirmed to be in the New Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS despite the fans expecting him to be cut! Straight from Sonic Lost World, it seems Sonic is back and more than ready to run across the other side of the…
Games With Gold: Halo 3 Will Round off October’s Offerings
As previously reported, from the 1st-15th October Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes will be free to Xbox Live Gold subscribers. New reports revealed that Halo 3 will be following Might and Magic and will be Microsoft's free offering for Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Master Chief's third outing holds a…
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG’s Shadow Specters Promo Card Revealed
If you are attending a pre-release of the newest Yu-Gi-Oh Set Shadow Specters then you should be receiving the newly uncovered promo card, Ghostrick Ghoul: Ghostrick GhoulLevel 3/DarkZombie/EffectCannot be Normal Summoned, unless you control a "Ghostrick" monster. Once per turn: You can change this card to face-down Defence Position. Once per…
Rockstar Release New Details About GTA Online Ahead of Launch Later Today
New information about GTA Online has been released on Rockstar's official blog ahead of its release later today. First and perhaps most importantly to a number of gamers is the release time. GTA Online will be made live through a title update that will be downloadable on PSN and Xbox…
Resogun Preview
The first thing you should know about Resogun is that screen shots and even videos don’t do it justice. The game runs at a buttery smooth 60 frames-per-second, and at a resolution of 1080p. The crazy amount of particles, lights and other chaos flying all over the screen has to…
PopCap and Hasbro Join Forces to Make RISK: Plants Vs Zombies Edition
Being produced by USAopoly under license from Hasbro and PopCap, the board game RISK will be seeing an all new video game themed version in the form of Plants Vs Zombies. The newly customised version of 2 player RISK offers 3 ways to play on a double sided board. With…
Dead Rising 3 Features Proceduraly Generated Zombies
Speaking to staff at CVG during an Xbox One event held in Sydney, Capcom producer Mike Jones has spoke about the technologies in Dead Rising 3 that allow the Xbox One to achieve game mechanics the Xbox 360 wasn't capable of. This includes procedural generation of the zombies in Dead…
NBA 2K14 PS4 Gameplay Trailer Released
NBA 2K14 is released this week on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, but with the PS4 and Xbox One to be released in over a months time it is no surprise that it will be a launch title for the next generation hardware. In case you are thinking of…
Creators of Killzone Working on New IP
Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer, lead designer at Guerrilla Games, Eric Boltjes, confirmed that the studio has begun work on a new IP. Boltjes said, "As a studio we do want to branch out, and we have started work on a new IP, something completely different to Killzone. I don't want…
Xi3 Piston Will Be Released on November 29th
The Xi3 Piston is a small PC designed for use in the living room and will be released in the US on November 29th, with those who preorder the device receiving their delivery up to two weeks earlier "on or before November 15". The Piston will come with a number of…
Marvel Heroes Update 1.3 Info
Marvel Heroes is receiving a new update today, which gives players the chance to play as a new character and embark on new quests. The F2P, massively multiplayer online action-RPG, with creative input from Diablo and Diablo II's David Brevik, has been going strong since its release and features all…
Rain Launch Trailer Is Both Somber And Scary
The downloadable market doesn't lack any games that try and make you cry, but what better place is there? Short, sharp experiences that put you through the emotional wringer best show off the power of video games. Rain is no different, focusing on two invisible children caught in the torrential…
No Plans To Localize Yakuza 5 Says Series Creator
Yakuza was always a niche series, but it had a loyal following of fans, myself included. Even though the previous 4 core Yakuza titles, plus spin off title Yakuza: Dead Souls, have been localized, Yakuza 5 may not be localized. Yakuza 2 was the first title to be released in…
Volition’s Jim Boone Wants DICE To Bring Red Faction Back From The Grave
Talking with OXM, Volition Inc senior producer Jim Boone has said he would love to see the Red Faction series return. Not only that, but he would prefer that the series would come back being developed by DICE. The Battlefield 4 devs are no stranger to destructible buildings, which is…
Batman Arkham Origins: ‘I Am the Night’ Mode and Be Bruce Wayne
Speaking to Eurogamer, Guillaume Voghel, Producer stated that the games Initiation DLC will take players away from Gotham and play as Bruce Wayne in Asia. "You play as Bruce Wayne learning to be a ninja. It's when he learned to be a ninja and learned those techniques. He goes to…
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Trailer
Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World are getting an HD re-release in 2014 on Playstation 3. The two JRPGs were originally released on Gamecube and Playstation 2 from 2004. The games feature a tactical realtime battle system. The HD upgrade will also feature the…
Dark Souls II: Beta Footage Uploaded
YouTuber 'wanko Leo' has shared two videos featuring footage of the PS3 beta, giving you a feel of the game. Tell us what you think of the beta so far in the comments.
Killzone Shadow Fall is a 50GB Download
Killzone: Shadow Fall is confirmed as having a larger than 50GB download size as Sony Computer Entertainment UK boss, Fergal Gara told Eurogamer during an interview. Gara has explained the benefits of using the PS4’s ‘Play As You Download’ feature for the game and other digital downloading. “The Play as…