At last years E3, one particular moment stuck out in my memory. After a short trailer for the début Battlefield title by Visceral games, it was announced that a closed beta was available right then for any who could make it through the traffic to get themselves a code. This, I feel, is a strong tactic for getting your game noticed. Though a Battlefield title obviously wouldn’t have trouble getting the attention it got, without a beta, it certainly helped with the marketing side. With so many people playing games before they are finished these days, being a beta tester is no longer a privilege, but more an essential part of the past few years of video game evolution. Love it or hate it, early access titles are a popular and polarizing trend in the industry, and while closed alpha and beta tests aren’t quite the same as an early access game, people still enjoy being able to try a game out and then voice their opinions on what could be better about the title.
My question is, if any publishers and developers are planning on releasing another closed beta event at E3 2015, and if so, which title would we like to see the most.