Some people like to play with ponies, cats and dogs. Others prefer to play with giant guns that blow people’s heads wide open. If you are in the latter category, then you must at some point picked up and played DOOM. This franchise, to this day, is one of the best FPS series ever with the first two titles revolutionising the genre back in the early 90’s and DOOM 3 taking things to a new level in the 2000’s. But now the series is coming back as Bethesda is throwing their hat into the ring with more gore, enemies, mars and awesome music. With this all to look forward to, why don’t we share what we love about DOOM.
The Plot

You don’t need an in-depth story to understand the fundamental plot with the DOOM games. Mars, Hell, Demons, Guns, Kill them all and you save the day. That is how easy it is to remember. But with that said the series did try go deeper with the plot in DOOM 3. Starting off with a more horror-based background than action, the title kept you on your toes in the early game where you only had a limited amount of weapons and ammunition, as well as light. It changed everything about the game and debatably made that entire early section the superior half. However, once you start accumulating more fire arms to defeat the demons, the game quickly returns to the classic kill everyone and everything whilst solving puzzles mentality. Does this mean Bethesda will take a shot at horror? Possibly. But from what we have seen from trailers they are capitalising on what makes the series great and that is the action-packed shoot outs.
The Guns

Plasma Rifle? Pistol? Grenades? The series has it all. Pick your poison and use it to completely devastate whatever comes in front of you. From the original up to the most recent versions, weapons from DOOM have become a main stay and have also become very memorable to a lot of gamers. Having the classic RPG in DOOM 1 when fighting against cyber demons or blasting opponents with the double-barrelled shotgun felt impactful every single time and this was also backed up by the brilliant sound design that made every shot sound like a symphony of destruction. Of course we look forward to seeing what the new game brings to the arsenal of weapons. Especially since we get to see the BFG make its glorious return in all its HD glory.
Mars & Hell

Sci-Fi settings are difficult to get right. Just look at films like Star Wars and games like Mass Effect to see how hard creating a world in the future can be. With this said however, DOOM has never shied away from embracing this genre and then making a gigantic twist half way through. The first game was notorious for the moment when you realised that the true enemy threat wasn’t on the red planet but was in fact in the deepest depths of hell itself. This twist not just created controversy outside of the gaming world but also made an impact to the players as you suddenly shifted from the bases and red surface of Mars to the blood covered, satanic ritual lead cults of hell itself. An amazing twist that we are bound to see done yet again in this new iteration.
The Enemies

As we know from video games, enemies can come in all shapes and sizes. DOOM was one of the first to take this to the next level with the introduction of creatures that still stand up to this day. Cyber Demons, for one, were one of the first intimidating foes you cross as they are horned beasts, towering in front of you with robotic arms and legs that shoots rockets at you. As if that wasn’t enough we also have the Cacodemon, a giant orb-like enemy that fires concentrated hellish energy at you. Originally inspired from the Beholder from the Dungeons & Dragons table top games, this hellish counterpart struck fear into players in all versions of the game but left a satisfying feeling when you see them flop like a balloon. The combination of zombies and demons in this atmosphere helps make the game as interesting as it is thrilling. You never know what could be lying in wait as you turn your next corner.
The Classic Gameplay

The new version of DOOM is looking more like the original releases only with the updated graphics and camera controls similar to what DOOM 3 brought to us. But one thing that has carried across from all the titles is the gameplay. Fast-paced shoot outs where you will be strafing and jumping around enemy projectiles as well as whip out your trusty chainsaw when things get close and personal. Puzzle solving that will have you go back and forth throughout the entire layout of the maps in order to find not just the way forward but also secrets. Everything about DOOM’s gameplay is fun and engaging, making the possibilities for the new DOOM that much sweeter.
Those are our five reasons why we just cannot stop loving DOOM. But why are you a fan of the franchise? Or maybe you want to see it burn in hell along with the space marines? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. If you would prefer the video version of this article, it is now live for your viewing.