LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Demo Now Available For PC
PC gamers can now download a demo for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes from Lego themselves. At the New York Comic-Con, Marvel announced that the demo will be made available on Xbox Live and PSN later this week. The game is the latest in a long line of Lego games that started…
All Versions Of Watch Dogs Delayed Until Early 2014
Watch Dogs is a game that will most likely be bringing gamers to the next-gen. So far the current gen version has failed to interest many people, while the PS4 and Xbox One make the game look stunning. It is unfortunate then that Ubisoft has seen fit to delay the…
Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate – Halloween Trailer
Tecmo Koei's free-to-play fighter is getting a ton of new costumes and a stage as DLC in time for Halloween. The costumes are crazy, including the mummified Ninja Gaiden star Ryu Hayabusa, and the incredibly risque "clothing" on the female characters. We also get to see the Virtua Fighter guest…
PS4 ‘Red Line of Death’ Rumour is False
Earlier today an image was released with of the PS4 with a red line across it, which sparked rumours that it was like the red ring of death on the Xbox 360, but the rumour has been quashed over Twitter by Shuhei Yoshida. @yosp is the red…
Sony’s musical TV Ad for PS4
The ad shows two friends playing a variety of games whilst singing ‘Perfect Day’ by Lou Reed. The games they are shown to play include fantasy combat, racking and a shooter. The PS4 will hit retail on Nov.15th in North America and Nov. 29th in Europe. Let us…
Slender: The Arrival Arrives On Steam This Halloween
When Slender: The Eight Pages was released a free download in 2012, it has become a viral hit, spawning countless "reaction videos" and was popular on, due to the random appearances of the always-creepy Slender Man. The game featured only one level, but the potential for a full game…
Pokemon X and Pokemon Y – 4 Million Units Sold Worldwide
Pokemon X and Y sales have reached the 4 million copies mark in only two days, Nintendo confirmed. These figures are worldwide, due to the games universal release date. Whilst not yet at the total global sales of the other Pokemon totals so far Nintendo noted, “when combining and comparing regional data…
How to Fix the Freezing Glitch in Pokémon X and Y
As you may or may not know, a really bad glitch has been found in Pokémon X and Y. This can screw up your game, rendering it unplayable which sucks because it really is an amazing game. However, thanks to some daring fans, a quick fix has been found: (Please not…
Special Edition Zelda 3DS XL Revealed
Nintendo has revealed a new special edition 3DS XL for the UK. Launching alongside The Legend of Zelda: A link Between Worlds on November 22nd, the console features the same light/dark motif seen in the game and its logo. The console won't come with a Link Between Worlds cart -…
Kingdom Hearts 3 D23 Expo Gameplay Trailer
THE ACTION! THE RIDES! Kingdom Hearts 3 has been in the forefront of Sqaure Enix fans minds since its surprising reveal during this years E3, mostly concerning what the actual gameplay would look like. Now though, these thoughts can be put to rest as a gameplay trailer from the D23…
Assassins Creed 4 – Progression System and Gameplay Content Released
A common gripe with the Assassins Creed series is that it simply does not provide enough of a challenge. Yesterday Ubisoft responded to these comments with a reveal of the progression system. Whilst one on one combat will follow the same pattern as before naval combat looks to initiate some difficult moments.…
The Last of Us – First DLC Out Today
From today, gamers can now buy the Abandoned Territories Map Pack for $9.99 or invest in The Last of Us Season Pass for $19.99.The PlayStation store notes that buying the season pass will save up 75% overall for future DLC. Alongside the new DLC there have also been a patch update (patch 1.05) which makes…
Towerfall’s PC Release Has Been Delayed
Towerfall is a popular arena based archery game currently only available on the Ouya Android console. The games developer Matt Thorson has been working on changing this by releasing the game to the PC platform with new content and a level editor. This was originally intended to happen within 2013…
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds GAME Pre-order Bonus has been Revealed
That music! If you were thinking of pre-ordering Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds then GAME have got a pretty nifty bonus for you. As you can see above, (showcased by the higher ups of Nintendo Japan in a Vine) you can get your adventure eager hands on a mini…
Amazon Cuts PS4 Bundle Down to Official RRP
Online retail giant Amazon have become the first retailer to sell the PS4 Bundle at its official RRP having reduced it down to £385. This places the company at an advantage with other large outlets such as GAME still selling the bundles at the price point of £400. The two…
Wii Sports Club HD Japanese Trailer Shows Online Features
A new trailer for Wii Sports Club HD has emerged in Japan and shows off various online features in the new Wii U title. Wii Sports Club now allows gamers to play against their friends online and use Miiverse to send each other messages. The title will include updated versions…
The Electrocutioner Joins Villain Roster For Batman: Arkham Origins
The Electrocutioner has been revealed to be a antagonist in the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins during a event-only trailer at New York Comic-Con. The trailer in question recaps the assassins which have already been revealed to be part of the game, these being Deadshot, Deathstroke, Firefly, Bane and Copperhead, before…
PETA Creates Pokémon Parody
PETA (people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have used the setting and mechanics of the recently-released Pokémon X and Pokémon Y to satirize the fast food industry. The animal-rights activist organization have created the 100% unofficial Pokémon: Red, White & Blue - An Unofficial PETA Parody, in which players…
Microsoft: 50% More People Use XBL Than PSN
According to data released by the NPD group, 50% more console gamers use the Xbox Live service than its competitor, Sony's Playstation Network. The data comes from the 2013 Online Gaming Report, which was conducted by the NPD Group. The NPD Group track all sorts of figures, from sales to…
Pokemon X and Y Suffering from Game-Breaking Save Bug?
Launch titles always seem to have issues and the wonderful world of Pokemon X and Y is no different. A number of who have played Pokemon X and Y have complained that saving in certain area causes the game to freeze. Restarting the 3DS does not solve the issue as the game…
Namco Bandai – No Move to Localize Vita’s Tales of Games
There have been a big outcry for the Tales of series to move more of its products to the Western Markets. However in a comment on Twitter producer Hideo Baba concluded that there is no move to place Tales of Innocence R and Tales of Hearts R in the West. "I’m sure you’ve heard…