Unreal Engine 4 Used In Dementia Therapy
The argument that video games are a waste of time is one that many gamers have probably had thrown in their faces at some point, but there is much more practical uses for the medium, other than entertainment. Video games have been used for education for years and it has…
Insider Leaks PlanetSide 2 PS4 Gameplay
An insider at Sony Online Entertainment has provided a YouTuber, ElitePixelEnemy, with exclusive PlanetSide 2 PlayStation 4 gameplay. The video shows off some of the mechanics, map and interface, but at just over 4 minutes long it’s only a small taste of wheat the game could offer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAy1-lrbgS8 PlanetSide 2…
SimCity Offline in Final Testing
SimCity’s Update 10 is in “final testing” according to a tweet from the game’s official Twitter account. The patch was revealed back in January to allow offline play, shortly after publisher EA and developer Maxis announced that the game would also start supporting mods. "What’s new is the Single Player…
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 Info Coming “Sooner Than You Think”
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 3 isn't too far away, at least according to a recent tweet by Telltale Director of PR, Job J Stauffer. Played Ep 3 of #TheWolfAmongUs today at the office. Bloody good... We'll have news on its release much sooner than you think! Stay tuned! —…
GOG Reverses Regional Pricing Decision
Good Old Games have gone back on their decision to use regional pricing on certain titles. Announced last month, GOG wanted to use regional pricing to allow them to stock more recent titles from big name publishers. GOG detailed the reversal through their news feed, stating "we make mistakes. We…
Groupees Assembles Another Build A Bundle
Indie bundles have started to appear all over the internet in the past few years, with Groupees being one of the most prominent names, aside from Indie Royale and the Humble Indie Bundle. Instead of being related on a theme, the latest bundle from Groupees is another edition of their…
GAME Gets Exclusive Lightcore Swap Force Skylander
The Skylanders exclusive character mine has once again struck gold, with the news that an promotional version of one of the character figures has now arrived at GAME stores all across the country, for the modest price of £11.99. The Enchanted Lightcore Star Strike features a different colour scheme than…
inFamous Second Son Will Not Feature A Mission Editor
One of the most interesting features of inFamous 2 was the ability to design, share and download user customised missions to increase the lifespan of the game. According to one of the developers at Sucker Punch, this feature is not available in the latest entry in the series, as usage…
Gone Home Will Soon Take A Trip To Consoles
Gone Home was one of the most celebrated indie games of last year, giving modern gamers a look back at a simpler time, whilst offering a unique experience that would remain in your mind long after the credits had appeared on the screen. In a surprising development, it has been revealed…
Freedom Planet Prepares For Beta Release
Retro inspired platformer Freedom Planet took KickStarter by storm last winter, fetching more than twelve times it's original funding goal of $2,000. The release date for the side scrolling adventure was revealed last month, to the joy of those of us who missed the chance to buy the game when…
GOG Gets The Luck Of The Irish
GOG, also known as Good Old Games, has affirmed itself as the home for buying DRM Free games. Every once in a while, they reveal a special offer related to the time of year. This time, they have decided to honour St Patrick's Day with a promotion that could be…
Financial Investigation Into Funcom “Over Very Fast” Describes CEO
In January I reported that Secret World developer Funcom were under financial scrutiny by the Norwegian government over trader infringement. Since then little has been released about the Økokrim's raid on their headquarters and the results of the investigation. Thankfully Funcom CEO Ole Schreiner has shed some light on the situation. Speaking…
Capcom Expected To Announce New Street Fighter Character At Final Round XVII
Capcom has been detailing new features for its upcoming fifth (and probably final) revision of their biggest fighting game, Street Fighter IV, at recent tournaments. At the Southern California Regionals two weeks ago, Peter "Combofiend" Rosas showed the trailer for Ultra Street Fighter IV's Edition Select feature, which lets you…
PaRappa Voice Star Dred Foxx Suing For Defamation
Dred Foxx, voice actor for PaRappa the Rapper, claims he will be suing for defamation after claims that he scammed his fans out of money two years ago. Posting on NeoGaf, Dred Foxx apparently stole $100 from Cameron Perry and Ian Gentry who were making a fan cartoon. After payment…
Crazy Taxi Rushing Back To Gamers Everywhere
In the early noughties, pedestrian escorting simulator Crazy Taxi raced into arcades. With a unique graphical style, addictive gameplay and a memorable soundtrack composed by The Offspring, it was clear that a classic was born. A home release soon followed the game, as did several sequels. Following the third installment, the…
Giana Sisters Reach Landmark Sales
Originally released in 2011, Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams is the third entry in the series that has been around since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System. Although they had a bit of a rocky start, Twisted Dreams has gone from strength to strength, featured in many list of favourite…
Bethesda Defends Subscription Model For Elder Scrolls Online
In a recent interview with Gamespot Bethesda's Vice President of PR, Pete Hines, has attempted to defend the companies choice to use a monthly paid subscription model for the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online. "We feel pretty strongly about the support we're going to have for the game and what you're going…
Club Nintendo Changes Incoming for North America
From April 7th, Nintendo are planning to implement some changes to the way Club Nintendo currently works for those in North America. More specifically, post-play surveys are being tweaked. First of all, you will no longer be able to complete any 10-coin post-play surveys for the now outdated Wii and…
GTA Online receives 10 more ‘Verified jobs’
Rockstar has officially endorsed 10 more community made jobs. The developer has especially featured the creations of two particular ‘power users’-Poklaan and pizza690-and their Crewmates, which have “mastered the art of Race Creation.” Due to Verified Jobs restrictions, the first set of Races and Deathmatches that were verified back in…
Nine Minutes Of inFamous: Second Son Official Preview Footage
With release looming, Sucker Punch have released a nine minute preview for inFamous: Second Son. Showing off everything from climbing buildings with the help of neon, to silencing activists with fire bombs, it gives as good a taster of Deslin's powers outside of playing the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuoaTagkgOI inFamous: Second Son…
Huge Rockstar Savings on Steam This Weekend
For the next few days Steam are hosting a Rockstar Games Weekend, with some of the publishers' biggest titles on sale for ludicrous prices. While most games clock in at an impressive 67% off, some manage to climb a little higher to 80%. With both individual and bundle packages on…