Back in 2015, Bandai Namco worked together with Humble Bundle to provide an exclusive bundle which included the original Dark Souls, Need for Speed and Ridge Racer Unbounded as some of it’s included games. The bundle proved to be a profitable success, so Bandai Namco have opted to release a second set of games, ranging from epic role playing adventures to a port of the latest mobile edition of PAC-MAN. The bundle will be available for the next two weeks, and will receive a set of bonus games halfway after the first week has passed.
If you choose to pay what you want for the bundle, you will receive:
- Ace Combat Assault Horizon (Enhanced Edition)
- ENSLAVED Odyssey of the West (Premium Edition)
- PAC-MAN 256
If you decide to pay more than the current average donation, you will receive:
- NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst
- Project CARS
- Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
- Extra Bonus Games To Be Revealed
If you pay $15 or more, you will receive:
- Project CARS On-Demand Pack
- Tales of Zestiria
If you pay $35 or more, you will receive:
- Little Nightmares (Pre-Order)
No matter which tier you decide to buy, you will receive a 10% off Humble Monthly coupon, and you will be able to choose how much of your donation will support the developers, make a donation to Extra Life or Save the Children, or one the supported charities from thousands of possible alternatives. The final option is to give a share to the Humble Bundle website itself to sustain the future of the bundles for the years yet to come. The Humble Bandai Namco Bundle 2 will be available until February 14th 2017. If you are interesting in seeing more about the games included, be sure to visit the official Humble Bundle website.