VGU Talks – Does Final Fantasy VII Deserve A Remake?
So as we all know the Final Fantasy VII Remake is happening thanks to the reveal at E3 earlier this year. But as much as I love the series and especially adore number seven, I think there are other titles that deserve the same treatment as this one is.
First off let me clarify. Yes, Final Fantasy VII DOES deserve to be remade. It is a marvel in gaming history as it combines a moulding story with attachable characters, a lovely world, a great gameplay experience and much more. However, as much as I love the game I do not claim it to be the best Final Fantasy game in the series. Oh no, I give that title to Final Fantasy VI which I think deserves the remake treatment a lot more than VII.
Allow me to inform as to why this is. First off, before VII hit the PS1, it had been established that Final Fantasy VI was the best game in the series. A perfect blend of character and world story with gameplay and challenge made this the game you had to play let alone own. Although FF7 is a great title on its own, it would not have been made as good if it wasn’t for the success of FF6. Also, Terra and Kefka the protagonist and antagonist of FF6 work way better than the relationship of Cloud and Sephiroth. Yes Sephiroth becomes a psuedo-god and is ready to take over the world, but who became a complete god and tore the world apart because he wanted to? None other than the clown with the most cunning, backstabbing plan known to Final Fantasy history.
On top of six getting a remake somewhere down the line, I also believe that Final Fantasy IV, V and Tactics deserve the same treatment for their own different reasons. IV has the characters and story that truly made the series at that point even more amazing. V introduced the job class system which was great to mess around with that, in a way, inspired the materia system in VII. As for Tactics, it would do so well in todays market due to the success of titles such as XCOM and the soon to release XCOM2. Can you imagine a remake that encompasses the PS4 graphics but with a Tactics style battle system? Sign me up!
Have a look at my full thoughts in the video and let me know what you think about the topic in the comment below.