Make something Unreal 2013 finalists announced

Tasked with making games with the theme of “Mendelian Inheritance: genetics and genomics,” the 12 teams that were shortlisted have been working hard in order to present their work so far, live, to a panel of judges from the Welcome Trust.

The teams were graded on a specific set of criteria by the judging panel including concept originality and scientific implementation and after careful deliberation, the 12 groups were cut down to the top 4 and those teams are:

Dead Shark Triplepunch

Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Loch Ness

Kairos Games  

Staffordshire University


Static Games 

 Bournemouth University 

Mendel’s Farm

Team Summit    

University of Abertay Dundee


Members of the judging panel commented “We were hugely impressed by the quality of all 12 shortlisted entries to this year’s competition, we have some real talent among the teams and it was a difficult decision to pick just four from the original 12 games.”

The teams now have four months to work on their games before they will have to present them to the MSUL 2013 judges at the Gadget Show Live at which point the winner will be announced and will be awarded with a commercial Unreal Engine 4 License for PC distribution!

To keep up to date with the goings on in the competition click here.

Are you keeping up with the competition? Who do you want to win? Let us know in the comments below!