Guild Wars 2: New Gem Store Items

To compliment the recent Living-Story update, Escape from Lion’s Arch, the team at Guild Wars 2 have introduced more items for the players to purchase at the Black Lion Trading Company. These new items are available as of now.

Captain’s Airship Pass

The captain’s airship pass allows the player to access all the crafting and merchant conveniences of the game. This airship can be accessed from any PvE map in the world of Tyria.

You have stars in your eyes... No, really!
You have stars in your eyes… No, really!

Zodiac Armours

The Zodiac armours are new and unique skins for your existing armour. They are available for every race and profession.

They always keep their oath
They always keep their oath

Ascalonian Leader Finisher

For the players interested in PvP, the Ascalonian Leader finisher is now available. Slay your foes with the deeds of the dead.

Black Lion Chest Updates

Since the Escape from Lion’s Arch update is now live, Black Lion Chest have a small chance of dropping a Mini Marjory Delaqua or Mini Mai Trin. Also, you will get five bags of Alliance Supplies for every chest you open.

Free Items

Get your boosters, free boosters here!
Get your boosters, free boosters here!

For all those who love the free things in life be sure to pick your one free Experience Booster, Revive Orb, and Crafting Booster. These are one per account.

For more details check out our interview with ArenaNet about the update or head over to Guild Wars 2. Game well.