PlayStation Plus Free Games For May 2019

PlayStation Plus

After releasing Conan Exiles and The Surge as the gifts for their loyal subscribers last month, the next set of games to be released for free under the Instant Game Collection for PlayStation Plus for May 2019 have now been announced by Sony.

If you are a subscriber to the service, then you will be able to download the mystery themed puzzle adventure that is What Remains of Edith Finch and the culinary multiplayer experience  that is Overcooked. As with the previous updates, these games will be made available on the first Tuesday of the month, which falls on May 7. You will be able to access them for free, as long as your PlayStation Plus subscription is active.

Will you be downloading these new titles onto your PS4, and what are you hoping to see in the sixth update of 2019? Let us know what you think in the comments, and watch the teaser trailer provided below.