Monster Hunter World Autumn Harvest Fest Now Live

Welcome back avid hunters of monsters. It is official autumn in Astera! Why not celebrate the change of seasons with Autumn Harvest Fest which is now live! Join us as we have a quick overview of what lovely things are in store for such an occasion. So grab your pumpkins, put on your witch hats, and have a peruse!

For the period between 21st of September until the 4th October, the hub of the New World, Astera, will be decorated in a wonderful autumnal theme. There will be pumpkins, fireworks, and generally a warm, festive theme. But apart from the redecoration of the beachhead into the exciting and dangerous world you hunt from, what else is there to offer?

First up, are the quests. Not only will almost all event quests become available, including the Arch-Tempered Elder hunts, but also Autumn Fest special quests. By completing these quests and collecting Autumn Harvest Tickets you can unlock the new themed armour set, the “Downy Crake Brooms” dual blades, as well a new ghost outfit for your palico.

Wait, there’s more!? Oh yes! During the event there will be a sale going on across all facilities. So get you shop on. Also, the login bonuses will grant two lucky tickets instead of one and a Festive Ticket, the limited bounties will be rotated daily with ticket and fireworks rewards, and the canteen will be offering all fresh ingredients! Lastly, there will be new outfits for The Handler and your Poogie. Lovely stuff!

So, pick up that pad, jump into Astera once more, and hunt away. The Autumn Harvest will end 4th October so make sure you get all that you want from the event whilst it lasts. Stay tuned for more news, reviews, and previews. Until next time, smile and game!