The third entry in the highly popular Longest Journey franchise was originally released back in an episodic format back in 2014, after it was funded through the help of a lucrative KickStarter campaign. Once the game was completed in June 2016, Red Thread Games decided to place their focus on the console edition of Dreamfall Chapters that was promised during the game’s funding. The wait for the port of Dreamfall Chapters is now at the end, as the PS4 and Xbox One version have launched both in physical stores and through digital download platforms for £24.99. As well as support for the PS4 Pro’s enhanced hardware, it also includes improvements which were added to the PC version of the game via a post release patch, such as enhanced models and animations and a higher quality version of the game’s soundtrack.
Dreamfall Chapters is now available worldwide on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One courtesy of Red Thread Games, and is being published in Europe and North America by Deep Silver. If you are interested in seeing more about the game, be sure to visit the official game page, and watch the launch trailer which has been provided below thanks to the Deep Silver YouTube Channel.