Heroes of the Storm Gets a Massive 2.0 Update

Blizzard is finally giving Heroes of the Storm, its free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena title, a huge makeover in the form of update 2.0 which enters beta today (March 29th, 2017) with the full update coming to the main game on April 25th.

A bold new era is coming to Heroes of the Storm it seems. Big things to note from this update: a new progression system coming into place which allows players to progress past level 40, two new forms of currency, Loot Chests like Overwatch containing new sprays, emotes, text lines and voice overs, and a few quality of life upgrades for the game in general. To top it all off a new Hero, Cassia from the Diablo series, was unveiled as well. Cassia, an amazon famous for her battles against Diablo, is another ranged assassin which, from her reveal video, seems to be a hero which requires a fair amount of skill to play well.

Well dang!

“We’re going to continue to support and expand it with balance adjustments, gameplay improvements and more”

Wonder Woman?! What are you doing in Heroes of the Storm?

If you have not tried Heroes of the Storm before, it is probably a great time to consider jumping in. This update seems to be addressing a lot of quality of life issues in the game as well as introducing new ways for players to interact with each other, which is never a bad thing. The update also implies that the development team is going to start being more open with the player base, just like other Blizzard titles Overwatch and Hearthstone, with regular developer update videos and transparency with development times for new and changing features.

Heard of HotS before now? Do you feel like you want to pick the game up? Do you want to slap Satan with a FISH?? Then Heroes of the Storm could be the game for you!