King Set Up Wand Laser Tag in NYC for Bubble Witch Saga 3

King are known for doing some fun stuff when it comes to announcing their games, such as when we visited their Bubble Witch Halloween Pop up last year or their offices in Barcelona for the announcement of Bubble Witch Saga 3 and out interview. This time they went for classic Laser Tag in New York City but with a witchy twist!

“Playing Bubble Witch 3 Saga is the perfect way relax to when I have a bit of spare time on set.  It gives me a perfect opportunity to escape for a few minutes!”

“I really enjoyed practicing my bubble shooting skills at the Bubble Witch 3 Saga laser tag course in New York City – all the different game features were brought to life. It really blurred the lines between reality and the Bubble Witch world!”

– Vanessa Hudgens

King set up an adult-only laser tag pop-up experience and teamed up with actress Vanessa Hudgens to host the enchanted laser experience with the makers of Candy Crush and Bubble Witch Saga their latest title in the saga. Reimagined, the laser tag instead of using guns traded them in for wands, where two teams navigated through the maze of Stella’s enchanted forest to complete a set of challenges.

“It was really exciting to see Bubble Witch 3 Saga come to life through this unique, interactive laser tag pop-up experience in New York City,”

“At King we seek to create small moments of escape on a daily basis with our mobile games, to provide our dedicated players with the few minutes of coveted fun they desire. With Bubble Witch 3 Saga, we set out to enhance the player experience, introducing new gameplay features including lots of new bubble-shooting challenges and more precision and accuracy with the improved extended aiming line. We hope people enjoy playing the game and escaping to a magic, fun-filled world.”

– Juan Antonio Perez, Lead Producer on Bubble Witch 3 Saga.

Bubble Witch Saga 3 is ready to play today and you can download it from the iOS App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store or the Windows App Store and Facebook.