Archeage Revelations 3.0 Launch: What You Need To Know

Archeage, Sandbox MMO is seeing its next big update tomorrow on December 10th. We have put together the launch schedule and some handy bits of info about the new update which sees some big changes.

Revelations 3.0 is set to launch over a 12 hour period with server going down and coming back online one by one every 15 minutes of so. The devs mentioned this as a way to help reduce the load all the servers as a whole to bottleneck the amount of people trying to log into the game at once, this should give you a much better experience than frequency dropouts and connect problems other MMO launches can have. The server scheduled downtime are:



One of the most important and probably coolest things of the update, is new servers are being added which they call Fresh Start Servers, these a brand new worlds which have had no player interaction and perfect for new players who don’t want to feel left behind with older servers. Part of the fun of sandbox games and especially Archeage is the initial ‘rush’, be the first to conquer a land, set up a guild and hold ownership and trade routes along it. World events can change in fresh start servers and are great reasons for old players to come back to enjoy the early game all over again, while also trying out the two new classes that have been introduced, Warlock and Dwarf.

Some other changes to come to Revelations 3,0 are the Labour Potions which can no longer be be bought in the marketplace, this is to balance up the game and extend the initial rush as the developers noticed, players who have more labour potions have a leg up on others. This is also part of the reason why legacy players are not able to transfer over to a Fresh Start server. If they want to try out the new world, they will need to create a whole new player, to thank them for their continued service though, legacy players will receive one Founder Lucky Crate which includes some special items so distinguish them from a new player.

Here’s the overall highlights of Revelations 3.0

Now you have the bits you need, make sure you head over to the Archeage website and sign up for a free account in time for the fresh start.