Ni No Kuni II Gameplay Trailer Released

Back in 2013, Level 5 and Studio Ghibli released the original Ni No Kuni for the PlayStation 3, after it originally appeared on the Nintendo DS a few year earlier. Although the game was critically acclaimed, many players wondered if the series would continue. Their fears were put to rest last year, when it was announced that Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom was currently in development. This time around, we follow Evan, a young king who has been usurped from his throne by an evil uprising. In order to reclaim the throne, he will need the help from it’s citizens as well as a mysterious traveller named Roland. A trailer for the sequel was shown during the initial reveal of the game, but it was entirely comprised of cutscenes or anime style interludes.

During the PlayStation Experience conference held earlier today, Level 5 have shown the first gameplay footage of Ni No Kuni II, which showcases all new battle mechanics that have been promised to be more dynamic than the system that was featured in the original game. At present, there is no indication at resent if this is a prequel to the original game, or if it will take place in an alternate universe. Whichever proves to be true, Level 5 seem to have once again created a beautiful magical world, filled with memorable characters and a host of locations that you will want to revisit time and again.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom will be released on PlayStation 4 worldwide in 2017 by Level 5. If you are interesting in seeing more about the game, be sure to watch the latest trailer which has been provided below.