Good news Titanfall fans! Since the reveal Respawn and EA have announced the dates of the Titanfall 2 open multiplayer technical test which will be across two weekends in August for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Slated to be released on October 28th and the technical test will allow both Xbox and PlayStation owners to try out the new title while simultaneously helping Respawn test the servers and backend systems.
The first test will start on August 19th – 21st where fans will be able to play two Titanfall 2 multiplayer modes over two different maps.
The new mode called Bounty Hunt is a 5v5 match type which pits pilots and their teammates against an opposing team as well as the Remnant Fleet. You can earn bonuses by killing grunts and enemies but it is important to bank points between waves without being killed.
The second mode, Pilots vs Pilots is an 8v8 match that puts the pilots combat and mobility skills to the test against other pilots. The first map Boomtown, is a secret underground IMC facility where the latests R&D is tested. Pilots can use rooftops as cover or tight lanes through the middle of the map to ambush Titans.

Homestead, the second map is another IMC claimed domain on a small plot of land. It has a series of raised rocky planes and a river running down the middle. Pilots can be safer by hiding among the rocks and trees but there are some caves and building if needed. Titans will be in control of the large open rolling fields, so watch yourself out there.
The second technical test will take place on August 26th – 29th with another mode and map available to try out. The previous content from last technical test will still be available.
The first new mode, Amped Hardpoint is a 6v6 match type which is a new twist from Hardpoint Domination from the first Titanfall. Defending a hardpoint now will let you amp it, doubling your team score and securing victory.
The final map in the technical test is Forward Base Kodai that Milta forces have overtaken from an IMC substation and set up an operating base. Pilots are safe from Titans in the hallways and chambers but they can walk over the roof for a better view of the action and engage.
Two new Titans are available to try out during the test, Ion and Scorch as well as a range of new Pilot tactical abilities including Grapple, Holo Point, and Pulse Blade. Different weapons will also be useable including a shotgun and a dual barrel SMG.
You can find out more about the Titanfall 2 technical test and how to sign up over at the Titanfall 2 website. You can sign up to the Titanfall technical test directly.