Pokemon GO Update Removes Pokemon Tracking Footprints & Bug Fixes

Pokemon GO has had it’s fair share of bugs since it was released last month but a recent update has fixed some bugs which have been plaguing trainers, while also removing a very important feature.

Pokemon GO’s footprint tacker has been removed…

The next update for the mobile title has been slowly dripping out to players on the Google Play store, not everyone has received the update but a change-log has been released by Niantic outlining what has changed.

Read More: How to control Eevee’s evolution in Pokemon GO.

Update 0.31 for Pokemon GO sees adjustments to the Pokemon Tracker which actually removes it altogether, what was a broken system which always showed 3 steps regardless of a Pokemon’s distance is replaced with a blank space. This has angered some players as Poketracker also recently announced they will be closing the Pokemon tracking web application based on talks with Nintendo and Niantic.

On top of the major change players will also be able to customise their trainer avatar at anytime and a new submit button has been added to address the difficulty of sending Pokemon to the Professor for sweet, sweet candy.

The full list of changes in the 0.31 update are as follows:

Read more: Sorry but Harry Potter GO is not real.

While it is nice to see that this update does include many bug fixes, simply removing the footstep tracker and offering no alternative has caused some upset in the community but hopefully it means they can concentrate on fixing the problems and giving it back in better shape.

As the game has not even been out a full month here in the UK, it is okay to give the devs some slack while they try and fix the games issues but time is ticking to keep people engaged.