How to Request PokeStops & Gyms in Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO will now allow users to request locations to become PokeStops and gyms. One of the problem many users have found is that living outside a city or big town can be a wasteland of nothing. Pokestops and gyms can become rare occurrences only heard about in legend but that might soon be no more.

If you are wondering how to request a Pokestop or Gym in your local area, here’s how:

To submit your request you need to head over to the official Niantic Pokemon GO website and use the form supplied. It will ask you to name the PokeStop/gym, enter the coordinates, address and the reason why you would like it to become the Pokestop or gym. If the masters of the Pokemon world agree with you, the location will become the place you requested.

Read more: Top 5 tips for beginners Pokemon trainers to get started in Pokemon GO.

At the moment only an option to request places is available but hopefully in the future Naintic will also allow places to be reported. There have been requests by police for trainers to be respectful when playing Pokemon GO around memorials, graveyards and other sensitive areas.

So what are you waiting for? Request your local points of interest and don’t forget about naming your Eevee to control its evolution or remembering the 5 things Pokemon GO has done for people.