E3 2016: Team17 Announces Four Games at the Show

Team17 indie game developer and publisher head to E3 2016 with four of their upcoming titles from June 14th to 16th. They will also have a booth in South Hall #2525 to hold business meetings for potential games developers that want to pitch their games. Then four titles coming to the show are:

Worms W.M.D
The holy bombs are back in a fresh new look at the 2D cartoon worm warfare title. For Worms W.M.D players for the first time will be able to use new vehicles such as tanks and helicopters as well as entering buildings to add more strategic elements to gameplay.

Banjo-Kazoee inspired 3D platformer and adventure game, Yooka-Laylee will make its way to the show. Coming from a group of vetern game developers the game centres around two heroes Yooka and Laylee who use a range of special moves to explore and expand the world around them.

In Overcooked players will journey through a variety of different kitchens on their quest to become a master chef to defeat an edible evil which threatens the land. Players can enter it solo or team up with four player co-op in both competitive and co-operative challenge modes.

Cook different dishes to work together in order to become to most effective culinary team.

Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE
Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE is a 3D fighter/brawler with an old school feel. You’ll play as a War Golem who is magically charged with “awesomeness” and destruction, engaging in skill based combat as Strength of the SWORD: ULTIMATE puts you in front multiple enemies and big bosses.

Team17 will also be at the MIX E3 2016 held at the Target Terrace rooftop on Wednesday 15th June at 7pm where you can try out Overcooked.

For more Team17 E3 2016 updates and more from the entire show keeping checking back right here at VGU.