Dishonored 2 Will Be Available Worldwide November 11th

Today Bethesda have announced that Dishonored 2 is going to be available worldwide from November 11th, 2016.

Available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, Dishonored 2 is under the same development studio as the first game Arkane Stuidios. During E3 2016, Bethesda will return again to showcase what is in store for the second steam-punk title.

Dishonored 2 will this time allow you to assume the role of either royal bodyguard Corvo Attano or Empress Emily Kaldwin as you stealth, decapitate or blink across the world. We expect more powers and weapons to come to Dishonored 2, while also being able to reuse old powers and trusted weapons in variety of ways against new enemies. Your choices will have an impact on the story, leading to different outcomes as you play your way through each mission.

Dishonored 2 will available worldwide on November 11th, 2016 for  Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.