DropZone is 1v1 RTS Mech Warfare From GameForge

If you like RTS and Mechs then you may fancy Gameforge’s latest title developed by Sparkypants, Dropzone. A competitive title which combines 1v1 match types combined with RTS-MOBA style gameplay that tasks one player to control multiple units.

Players will be able to choose from a variety of different pilots, mech rigs and gear for customisation. Each pilot specialises in a particular type of rig which acts as a basic class and from there players will be able to customise the rig type and gear to develop different strategies.

Gameplay enlists the player to compete and retrieve/recover Cores from Aliens infested maps and deliver it to their drop ship to score points. Enemy Cores can also be stolen for points by destroying their Rigs (Dropships will repair Rigs and send them back to the battlefield) or from completing map objectives. Matches will last up to 15 minutes and those who stay for too long will be overcome by difficulties.

For more information about the RTS MOBA head over to the Dropzone Website.