Fallout 4’s Dogmeat Catches “Best Game Dog” At World Dog Awards

Fallout 4

Dogmeat is your loyal canine companion in Bethesda’s blockbuster Fallout 4 and it seems that the hard work and dedication has paid off this time as River, the inspiration behind Dogmeat, was announced “Best Game Dog” at the World Dog Awards, presented by Iams and The CW network.

We are seeing more animals with a purpose being integrated into video games nowadays and Dogmeat is a sterling example of the new venture. Massively adding to the combat by pouncing at Ghouls or holding Raiders still by their ankles, Dogmeat is easily one of the best Fallout companions of all time.

The faithful hound has become somewhat of a staple for Fallout 4, making an appearance in the opening announcement trailers for the game when the excitement was in its prime. Dogs add that personal feel to a game, making everything more serene and enjoyable, a factor that helps when exploring a dark and twisted world such as Fallout’s.

I want to personally thank River/Dogmeat for her hard work during my wasteland voyage.

Kudos, River.