Dark Souls III Confirmed for 60fps on PC

Rejoice PC Dark Souls fans, your prayers have been answered. In a short GIF posted on the official Dark Souls III Facebook page today, it has been confirmed that Dark Souls III will run at 60fps on PC. This news will no doubt please many, as Dark Souls does have quite the dodgy history when it comes to having a stable framerate even when capped at 30fps. Hopefully, this announcement means there will be no need for modders like Durante to step in at the eleventh hour to essentially fix this PC port of Dark Souls III and have it running at 60fps.

This news actually make Dark Souls III on PC the definitive version for those who love optimum performance, as console versions of From Software’s grim fantasy RPG are capped at a measly 30fps. As long as the game runs well, I personally don’t mind it being capped at 30fps but for some, this news will be what determines which version of Dark Souls III they will buy. With the Japanese version being out in 2 weeks, expect extensive breakdowns of the game’s performance, as well as a dissection of all its secrets so maybe stay off the Internet after the 24th, if you want to enjoy DSIII without spoilers. If you are alright for some early game spoilers, check out our analysis of the first sections of Dark Souls III to kickstart those lore theories and character builds.