Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst closed beta was announced earlier last month and are still accepting applications.

DICE are still to announce a start date for the closed beta sessions but they are expected to begin soon. There is however no guarantee that all applications will be accepted to participate, though it’s still worth signing up in case you’re one of the lucky ones. You can sign up via the official website found here.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the second and long-awaited instalment to the Mirror’s Edge franchise. It follows the story of Jade, a free-runner in a ‘city of Glass’, where constant monitoring and invasion of privacy is the right of the local corporation KrugerSec, and all citizens must obey. In her second adventure across the rooftops, Jade must come to terms with the shadows of her past in order to fight the oppression of the present.

The latest gameplay trailer (viewable below) teases some of the themes that players will encounter when the game launches on May 24th.