Fallout 4 Will Soon Get a Proper Survival Mode

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 received a fair amount of criticism for its Survival mode back when it launched on November 10, 2015. The current state for Fallout 4 survival mode is that the player takes more damage, enemies have more health and the players health regenerates at a much slower pace. It’s fun but doesn’t have much of an impact on the experience overall. Many people compared Fallout 4’s survival mode to that of New Vegas, it seems that Bethesda has listened to fan complaints. On February 11th, Bethesda Game Studios’ official Twitter page tweeted that they will be doing “a complete overhaul of Fallout 4 Survival mode.”

This includes the return of the survival mechanics such as the protagonists need for Food, sleep and ability to catch diseases in the wasteland. Bethesda have yet to give a definite date for the release of the new survival mode, but it should hopefully be sooner rather than later. This came alongside the news that the first batch of Fallout 4 DLC isn’t far off, it seems Bethesda may have a lot planned for their latest outing in the Wasteland.