“An adult game controller where touch and feedback are taken to the next level. Feel the game.”
That’s the tagline behind VirtuaDolls, an adult VR game controller project currently running a funding campaign on Indiegogo. Let’s not beat around the bush here (and we couldn’t if we wanted to, there doesn’t appear to be a foliage option for the VirtuaDolls controller); it’s something you stick your dick in while you bang a virtual girl using a VR headset.
Before you start, I know what you’re thinking. There a plethora of options out there when it comes to what I can jam my junk into, so what sets the VirtuaDolls apart from Fleshlight or a vacuum cleaner or a warm apple pie? Well you see where the VirtuaDolls differentiates itself from the competition is in the way it works in unison with a virtual reality headset, such as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, to take your experience ‘to the next level‘. Enough talk from me anyway, you came to see hilarious gifs of the device in action and we’re going to deliver.
Okay just take a minute and compose yourselves, we’ve got a lot to get through here. Stop giggling back there, I can hear you. The brainchild of William Spracklin, the VirtuaDolls offers intelligent stroke movements which adjust to your movements, along with a pressure sensor which synchronises your ‘position’ with the game to ensure that what you see and what you feel line up. Man that last Gif, I can’t look away. There is also an option vacuum attachment which allows you to add ‘suction capabilities and an easy-clean system’. Also, and I’d assume rather importantly if you’re interested in backing this campaign, VirtuaDolls offer discreet shipping and anonymous backing, so you don’t have to let your bank manager or postman know what goes on behind closed doors.
If you thought the Gifs were good, you should check out the FAQ section of the Indiegogo page. Here is a sneak peak:
That hole looks very small. Will I fit?
Yes, you’ll fit just fine. The silicone we use is incredibly elastic and easily accommodates up to a 2.5″ diameter and up to 8″ in length.
All childishness aside for a moment, there is certainly nothing inherently wrong with the VirtuaDolls as a concept and whilst I’m not an expert in making machinery to stick your tackle in, it looks to be safe and erm…functional. Whilst I’m sure people will point to this and say that it makes the whole video games industry look bad, those people are wrong. The porn industry doesn’t reflect on Hollywood and both serve a pretty important role in the entertainment industry. With that said, the default game that ships with the VirtuaDolls, entitled Girls of Arcadia, probably isn’t going to be getting a thumbs up from Feminist Frequency or passing the Beschdel test any time soon as the basic premise seems to be rescue damsels in distress and then ‘claim your reward’ which seems a tad too far on the caveman side of things, even considering the market.
I’m not going to picking one of these up, if for no other reason than I’m not sticking my dong into anything mechanical because I’d rather not have it ripped off. But for those brave pioneers that are willing to advance the field, I wish you the best of luck. Check out the Indiegogo page here for all the information you could ever want on the VirtuaDolls controller.