Paris Games Week: New Gameplay Revealed For Horizon Zero Dawn

A new commentated gameplay session for the upcoming title Horizon: Zero Dawn was shown during Paris Games Week. In this we learn more about our main protagonist as well as the story of the games world.

Every mechanical beast in the world has its own engine and mechanical parts that our main character must acquire not just to take them down, but also to make new and more devastating weaponry. With this we get a look at the new explosive trip wire which can be used as a trap to annihilate enemies that are lured in.

As the Reindeer like Alpha Grazers are trying to run away or fight our protagonist, she quickly shoots them down with some well timed dodge rolls and arrow shots. As an RPG, you can imagine a ton of loot will be available and with all these variants of enemies that is by far no exception.

After this confrontation we see the Thunder-jaw, a large menacing beast that is going to be a much tougher and strategic fight than some of the others in the game. You can shoot down specific parts of this beast, such as its rear mounted rockets, to not just disable it but also use its payload against it with amazing results. During the gameplay session we see quick changes between different arrow types as the fight represents that of a bull vs matador fight. Electric arrows manage to stun the beast as its now dislodged rocket launcher becomes a weapon in the players hands.

The explosive trip wire is brought out again, but this time as a tether to keep down the Thunder-jaw whilst you aim at a weak spot and take it down for good. What an amazing fight to watch as we await more information on the game before its 2016 release.