Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Ready To Expand The Game’s World

Officially released by Square Enix, players old and new will be able to enjoy the new expansion to Final Fantasy XIV named Heavensward. The new upgrade to the base game features a new story that drops you into the middle of the Dragonson War. This is the epic battle that has been raging for a thousand years between the knights of Ishgard and the dragons of Dravania. Are you prepared to truly fight for your life with new enemies to confront?

As well as this, players will be able to experience a level cap boost from fifty to sixty to help expand your library of skills and your efficiency in combat. A new playable race is available as well as new job classes such as  the Ninja, Dark Knight and Engineer. As well as this, old players will be able to confront the new dungeons and raids along with even more battles against the legendary primals. Don’t think it can get any better? Well how about being able to ride on your own flying mount which can be in the form of Chocobos, airships, dragons and more.

Ready for the next battle? Pick up your copy of Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward today on PC, PS4 and PS3 and let us know what you think about the expansion.