E3 2015: Final Fantasy VII Remake is Official!

Update: The trailer is now available below.

As if Sony’s presentation couldn’t get any better, they’ve seemingly topped themselves. After many years of pleas and petitions, the remake of Final Fantasy VII is actually happening. It’s been long awaited and long talked about, but it’s finally happening.

This will be a brief article friends as there isn’t much to say, because what really can we say? One of the most iconic games from the possibly the most iconic console ever is getting a next-gen remake. The trailer that Sony offered us was a complete tease, showing us sly hints to the game’s mythology and locations before the final reveal of Cloud himself. The majestic hero himself strolling through the dark cityscapes caused a huge stir amongst the audience at E3. Audible cheers and cries of happiness could be heard over the sounds of the trailer itself.

That’s all that needs to be said guys, Final Fantasy VII is coming to the PS4we don’t care when, but my god we cannot wait!