Hex: Shards of Fate Gets its First PvE Expansion

Gameforge and Hex Entertainment are giving more to players in their digital Trading Card Game(TCG) Hex: Shards of Fate by releasing their first PvE expansion to the game.

The Frost Ring Arena which has 4 wings will allow players to duel against the AI of four normal opponents and one boss in each wing as part of the main storyline. New cards that have been included with the expansion add more of the playable effect type cards, spells and troops to over 700.

To help improve replayability opponents will be randomly selected from a pool of 30 normal and 7 bosses. The further players get in the arena the more rewards they will receive but if they lose three times it will be classes as a failure.

To find out more watch the Frost Arena trailer above or head over the the HEX: Shards of Fate website.