Harmonix Announces Rock Band 4 For PS4 and Xbox One

Rock Band 4 has been announced for the latest generation of consoles, bringing with it, many questions from curious fans,

After a 4 year gap between titles, Harmonix have finally caved to the pressure and revealed that they are working on a new Rock Band game, taking the brand to the new generation of consoles. With the announcement, the question many fans are asking is whether their last gen instruments will work on the current platforms. Harmonix promise that they are trying to figure out a way to make instruments from previous iterations work, even if that involves releasing an adapter. However, in an attempt to return to the basics of Rock Band, the keyboard will not be a featured instrument.

It was also announced that previously purchased downloadable songs, will be available to redeem on the Rock Band 4, with the exception of the Beatles Rock Band tracks. A condition of the transfer of songs is that you will only be able to transfer purchases within a company, meaning that Xbox 360 songs can be transferred to the Xbox One, and PS3 to the PS4.