In the first in the series of free content updates for Shovel Knight, Yacht Club Games have announced the Plague of Shadows expansion for the critically acclaimed platformer. In this brand new quest, you will play as Plague Knight as he quests to make the Serum Supernus.
Unfortunately for him, the other knights of The Order of No Quarter have the ingredients, so you must travel through their various hideouts and defeat your former allies to get the items needed for your potion. Plague Knight plays very different to his shovel wielding foe, utilising explosives to destroy enemies and bomb jumps to scale dangerous obstacles. Included in this expansion for Shovel Knight is the Alchemy system, where you can use loot and other collectables to create new equipment and power-ups to use in your journey.
Not only is there a new quest, but areas you once knew well have been remixed, with different enemy placement, new objectives and even brand new bosses to tackle as you quest for the Serum Supernus. If you wish to play an early build of Plague of Shadows, head on down to the Yacht Club Games booth at PAX East to get a hands on with this free update before the general public.
If you are still on the fence about Shovel Knight, check out our review of it right here and also read our in-depth interview with the chaps over at Yacht Club Games where we discuss the design process, music and where Troupples come from.