TERA Part two of the Fate of Arun update released

TERA: Fate of Arun, the action MMORPG gets another content patch update which for the first time allows players to battle over a fortress that is flying in the sky. The fortress known as Sky Cruiser Endeavor is an upgradable, limited guild fortress which offers players and guilds a new challenge with two difficulty modes.

The guild fortress is a type of housing and can be managed by the guild leaders by using guild points, guild masters can expand and upgrade the premises and have the ability to add NPCs to the grounds which then act as merchants. Points can be earned in the leagues which players can compete in both PvP and PvE modes.

Along with the new fortress, Bathysmal Rise has been updated with a hard mode, giving end game players the new challenge they might be looking for and valuable loot.

Head over to the TERA website to find our more or jump in game and try it first hand.