VGU’s Winter Survival Guide: The Gaming Edition

Let’s face it; it’s nearly the end of January and it is still freezing cold outside, and it only looks as if it will be getting colder over the coming weeks. So to prepare you for the remainder of the winter days ahead, here are some essential survival tips.

1. Games and more games

Honestly, who does not love a good game? But even so, there are only a special few which you can really sit back and relax with in the comfort of your PJs and play for hours on end. Choosing the right title will be down to personal tastes, but ones with high re-playability will be key to staying inside, where it is warm and toasty. Now for some suggestions:

Dragon Age Inquisition

This game will simply keep you going and going. With loads of quests, story branches and areas to explore from the start, you will be able to stay inside until the snow melts.

Fallout: New Vegas

Not a 2014 release, but another great game that you can fully sink your teeth into until the summer is here again and you can work on your tan. With 100+ hours if you want to finish it end to end and lots of freedom to explore New Vegas, it will happily keep you company. Oh, and that radiation should keep you warm…


One of my personal favourites and one that would fit nicely in the re-playable games to keep you going is Bioshock. Why not spend the remaining cold months while thousands of feet under the sea being terrorised by atomic junkies?

Fifa 15

It is not all about playing on your own in the winter. Extra bodies means extra warmth and to get the blood boiling a good game of Fifa will keep you on your toes. Set up your dream team or play as your personal favourite and battle it out with some mates. Either way, Fifa is sure to keep you busy. If you do not wish to venture to a friends or open your front door, online matches will give you the same experience.

2. Your ‘gaming fuel’ or food

It is of course important to stay in tip-top shape and watch those carb intakes, but when it is minus numbers outside your front door you have all the right reasons to want to pack on an extra layer.

For this, what better way to heat the body and the soul but with good ol’ fashion pizza – and as our gaming fuel of choice we would have to recommend some Domino’s Pizza. With some amazing new additions to the menu, such as doughnuts and even a bacon flavour cheese stuffed crust to name a few, it will keep you pumped and primed for those extended gaming sessions.

Of course if you are eating all those healthy options instead of snacking, then be sure to get some healthy Coca Cola- I mean water.

However, even if you do not like pizza (and who doesn’t like pizza) there are always macaroni bites, chips, chicken dippers and more, all along with a winter survival deal. It’s not all about the Mountain Dew and Doritos, but they are pretty good.

3. Gadgets to stay prepared

Sometimes a controller, food and games is not the full package; sometimes you need a gadget or two that will help to keep you stationary and conserve heat – a gamer’s hibernation.

Tea Warmer

If you are like us Brits and love a good cup of tea, the worse case scenario is when your tea goes cold while you are in the zone facing off against a boss or scoring that winning goal. To solve that issue, try a USB cup warmer. Just plug it into your USB port and your tea will stay at optimum drinking temperature for longer.

Touch screen conductive gloves

Plan to venture out to stock up on essentials? Then you will want to keep your hands warm and still be able to use your touch screen smart device. Conductive gloves have been around for quite a while now, but some people still do not own these essential gadgets for the winter months.

Eye protection

As you might plan to play games for a long time as the winter seems to go on forever, it is important to keep your eyes feeling well rested and refreshed and to not succumb to screen glare. Gunnar are your best friend in times of long games sessions and eye freshness. With a range of different frames to suit your styles, they are designed to help you game for longer without those nasty headaches and sore eyes.

So there are just some ways to help you stay in during these cold, dark days, and be a very happy gamer while you’re at it. If you have any top tips that you will be using over the remainder of winter let us know by commenting below!