Heists Coming Soon to GTA Online

Rockstar Games posted a bit of news today, a census of GTA Online information as well as giving a “sort of” release window for the long-awaited online heists update to Grand Theft Auto Online, which can be viewed here. Rockstar had this to say regarding the heists, “Online Heists which will be available for all four consoles as the first GTA Online Update to happen after the game launches on PS4 and Xbox One.”

Now there’s no telling when that update may be, but this does answer many questions such as if the update would only come to certain consoles, or at different times for different consoles. After a year of waiting, GTA Online Heists look to be just around the corner.

GTA V is set for release on November 18th next week for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and if you just can’t bear to wait anymore, check out our review of the last-gen version of GTA V!