New Guilty Gear Xrd Trailer Shows off Cutscenes and Two New Characters

In yet more news coming out from the Tokyo Game Show, Arc System Works have released a new trailer for Guilty Gear Xrd which shows off more of the game’s cutscenes as well as some quick peeks at the two new characters for the console version, Sin Kiske and Elphelt.

Sin, who first appeared in Guilty Gear 2: Overture uses a new system called the ‘Appetite System’ which allows him to special cancel and use Rekka Moves if he has some Appetite. If he runs out, he’ll need to eat something to refill his gauge.

Elphelt however is a brand new character to Guilty Gear and the first gunner style character in the series. Her main draw is that she has a giant gun which she can switch from rifle to shotgun mode, to deal appropriate damage based on how close the target is. She will be available to all players who buy the first print run of the game in Japan, with the rest of us getting her as DLC.

Watch the trailer below and tell us what you think of Guilty Gear Xrd so far: