Are you a fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series or card game? Have you been keeping up with Pendulum monsters? Then this might interest you. Recently, the next V-JUMP promotional card to be release in Japan has been leaked in a magazine. Included in its pages are three cards from the upcoming OCG (Official Card Game) set Memories of the Duel King: Ceremony Battle and the V-JUMP card Beast Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

This would be the third incarnation of the monster but this one is slightly different from the other two. The first version was an Effect monster; the second a Pendulum monster. This one is a Fusion monster and one level higher than its predecessors. There is no card text or stats for this card yet but that will come with time. For those who watch Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V, you shall have to wait for the possible episode to air to find out how this card is born and used. But for now, keep your eyes peeled for more news and details and game well.