German Magazine Leaks Kano as Playable in Mortal Kombat X

In scans from an early copy of the German gaming magazine, GamePro, Kano has been leaked as a playable character in the next Mortal Kombat game, Mortal Kombat X. Kano seems to be sporting the familiar design of his metal face and trademark glowing red eye, along with the red chestplate, not really varying from his look in Mortal Kombat 9.

From the the two scans, we can see Kano doing a Flying Knee against Kotal Kahn while the other shows just Kano pointing, probably at his opponent. No doubt we will get more information when the magazine is published and at Gamescom where Mortal Kombat X is playable. What do you think of this leak? Are you surprised Kano is in game? Tell us your thoughts below.