Incoming Xbox One Update Brings External Storage and More

Starting today, a new update will be rolling out for the Xbox One, bringing with it a neat little bundle of changes.

The biggest and most significant of these new features is that external storage devices will finally be compatible with the Xbox One. The update will mean that two external hard drives can be hooked up to the console at once, but they must be over 256GB to be recognised. Once connected, the Xbox One will automatically download games straight to these drives instead of the internal memory. What makes this feature even better is that you can connect your hard drive to a friends’ console, and run the games straight from there.

Along with this, the update will also bring with it the option to use your real name on your Xbox Live account, with the ability to choose who exactly can see it. A new Gold Membership hub will also become available, where you will be able to see all the most recent Games with Gold, Deals with Gold and general Gold-exclusive announcements all in one place.

Smartglass will also be receiving a boost with a new update. With this you will be able to re-order your console’s pins, watch Twitch livestreams, and control your TV as if your mobile device is a universal remote.

For all the nitty gritty details of the update, be sure to check out the Xbox One updates page.